As the year comes to an end, we take a moment to celebrate our achievements and express our heartfelt gratitude for choosing to collaborate with us throughout 2024!

This year, the festivals members of the European Association of Folklore Festivals – EAFF organized 678 festivals and competitions, with 316 held online and 362 in-person. These events took place in over 120 cities across 59 countries on 5 continents.

A special thanks to all the organizing committees, participants, group leaders, and the national and local authorities who supported us and placed their trust in EAFF.

The numbers speak volumes about the vibrant community we’ve built together:

  • Over 7,800 folklore groups from around the world joined us.
  • More than 230,000 singers, musicians, and dancers performed and shared their talents.

 Let us leave you with a guiding thought that has inspired us and will continue to do so:
"Behind us lies the memory of our ancestors, ahead of us are the eyes of our children." – Iliyan Nikolov

 Wishing you joyful holidays filled with shared inspiration!