The European Folklore Festival and Contest in Dugo Selo, Croatia has welcomed 260 groups and soloists from Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Croatia and others.

Absolute winner of the competition is the Tambura orchestra of the Music school in Dugo Selo, and the first place in the solo category was given to Nela Vulinets, who played clarinet. 

Members of the jury were: Dario Cebic (president of the assessment committee), Robert Mihovilic, Nebojsa Salopek and Mario Plese.


  • Tamburaški orkestar Glazbene škole Dugo Selo, winner of competition, 1. prize
  • Tamburaški orkestar KUDa "Dragutin Domjanić", Vugrovec    2. prize
  • "Agios Tryfon", Kilkios/Greece  2. prize
  • Tamburaški orkestar "Akro BiH" - Beč/Austrija, 3. prize
  • KUDa "Dragutin Domjanić", Vugrovec, podmladak    3. prize
  • Nela Vulinec, clarinet, absolut 1. prize (solo category)
  • Monika Sever, brač, 1. prize
  • Duet - Josip Ivić, bisernica i Lorena Cvitkušić, gitara, 1. prize
  • Fabijan Lepan, tambura / Vienna, Austria    3. prize
  • Josip Ivić, tambura, 1. prize
  • Zlatko Hanžek, tambura, 2. prize
  • Ariana Špoljarić, harmonika, 1. prize
  • David Zadravec, bisernica, 2. prize
  • Jelena Marković, tambura  / Vienna, Austria    3. prize

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II European Folklore Festival and Competition

Dugo Selo Croatia