The XVI Mediterranean Folklore Festival for dances, choirs and groups has been awarded the EFFE award as one of the best folklore dance festivals in Europe. The event will take place in Larnaca and Nicosia, Cyprus, from 14 to 19 September 2023, and will welcome local groups, as well as participants from around the world. The organizers of the forum are the Cultural Heritage Association of Nicosia in cooperation with the Municipality of Larnaca. The festival is the fruit of the desire and love of folk dance friends and heritage for the interaction and exchange of different cultures, their music and their original traditional costumes. The Mediterranean adventure provides the opportunity for unique international acquaintances based on the love of the scene and traditions. Check out the regulations of the sixteenth edition and submit your application for participation, in order to visit the sights of the island of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, guaranteeing yourself unforgettable concert thrills.