If you decide to participate in the Vth International festival for folklore music and dances "PERKHULI 2021" you will receive 10% discount for participation in the Ist International festival for folklore music and dances "Ferkhuli 2021" (Mestia, Svaneti). "PERKHULI 2021" will be held from 18th to 24th of July 2021 in Kobuleti. The town-host is a sea resort in Adjara, Western Georgia, located on the East coast of Black sea. It is the seat of Kobuleti Municipality and a seaside resort, visited annually by Georgians and many former Soviet Union residents. Organizers of the event invite participants to prolong their stay in Georgia in order to enrich the program of their next festival "Ferkhuli 2021" in Svaneti, which is going to be held from 24th to 28th of July. If you are interested in the opportunity to present your folklore dances and music in both Georgian events, you will receive a 10% discount for participation in the second one. Festival celebration "Ferkhuli 2021" is located in the highest inhabited area in the Caucasus. Svanetia is known for its architectural treasures and picturesque landscapes. The botany of Svanetia is legendary among travelers. Architectural monuments of Upper Svanetia are included in a list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. You can check the regulations of the forums and take the advantage of the promotion!