Online edition of the International Competition "Christmas ideas" will be held in the period 25th - 26th December, 2020. The event has the purpose to define the best performers for 2020 in the relevant categories: "Folklore and Ethnography", "Choreography", "Vocals", "Choral genre", "Instrumental genre", "Circus", "Bard song". 

Organizers expect artists from more than 10 countries to compete for the titles and awards of the forum.

Participants can join the program and choose one of the two options "participation without comments from the jury members" and "participation with comments from the jury members". 

The second option provides the opportunity for performers in addition to the assessment to also receive comments from the international jury during live meeting. 

The competition aims at impartial and open voting by the authoritative evaluation team, but also to satisfy the interest of online viewers. The audience will enjoy the competition performances by live streaming on the organizers' website as well as on their YouTube channel.

On the eve of the brightest and most waiting holiday, share the beauty of your art, appearing in the III International Competition "Christmas [ONLINE] ideas".

Applications for participation are accepted until December 20, 2020.

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25 – 26 December 2020 Online

III. International Competition "CHRISTMAS [ONLINE] IDEAS"

Minsk Belarus