You can watch the beautiful dance "Ilassical" performed by Ensemble "Udbvah" from Indore, Madhya Pradesh (India). Traditional Indian dance captivated the audience of the first International Festival "Children's Folklore" that was held in Bucharest (Romania) in May 2017. Artistic director of the group Mrs Dube Noopur said in front of the cameras of EuroFolkTV that the dancers in the Ensemble are of different ages and the costumes are typical for their nation. Artists took part in the Festival of Colours, in Vali, in Shera, in Draki and in many other different events. The performers visited Romania for the first time on the occasion of the first edition of the International Festival and shared their impression both from the country and from the organization of the children's music and dance event. Enjoy the colorfulness of the participants and the performance!