Centuries-old French capital Paris attracts many tourists from around the world with rich historical heritage and numerous monuments. Annually the city is visited by 45 million tourists attracted by the most important congress centers, fashion, luxury, gastronomy and traveling. 

Nobody can think of Paris without various associations and a multitude of pictures crossing their mind: the river Seine, the Hunchback of Notre-Dame, Napoleon, the Arc de Triumphe, the Champs-Elysees. No other city exalts the imagination like this metropolis, which is also particularly popular for its musical events. As of late these also include different music festivals. 

In 2017 the city of love, dreams and senses will host two festivals from the big family of the European Association of Folklore Festivals - EAFF. 

XXVI International Youth Arts Festival-Contest "Paris, Je t’aime!" will be held between 28th and 31st of March. The event is part of the system of prestigious international festivals-contests for children and youth combined with extensive excursion program. 

Second, not less popular music event is the VII International choir and orchestra festival. It will be held from 16th till 20th of August in Paris. 

For more information and submission of applications you can visit the official website of EAFF.

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