The president of the European Association of Folklore Festivals - EAFF, Mr. Kaloyan Nikolov, was a honorable member of the jury during the VIII. International Folklore Festival "INTERFOLK", which took place from 13 to 17 November in St. Petersburg, Russia.At the folklore forum, which had competitive character, were granted many awards. The best presented songs and dances brought to their performers special prizes, including vouchers at the total cost of 2000 Euro for participation in the European Championship of Folklore "Euro Folk" and the World Championship of Folklore "World Folk". Vouchers were granted personally by the President of EAFF. During the festival, Mr. Kaloyan Nikolov met with Prof. Alexander Sergeyevich Turgaev – Dr. of Historical Sciences and rector of the State Institute of Culture, Dr. of philosophical sciences at the State Institute of Culture - Arkady Yuryevich Rusakov and Prof. Nikolai Alexandrovich Kravtsov - dean at the State University of Culture and Arts in St. Petersburg. The thematic issues that were discussed, were in the context of 70th anniversary of the founding of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). The conversations were related to folk art, the power of education in universities and how it will help to preserve the cultural values of peoples, contributing to peace and security in the world.