Виж онлайн участниците Директор: Mrs. Alexandra Borisova Dear friends! In honor of the 10th anniversary, “Severnaya Raduga” Culture Development Foundation of the Peoples of Siberia and the Far East (hereinafter the Foundation) establishes the International Award in the field of performing arts “Folk-Star”. Over the years, we have launched international festivals in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yakutia and introduced the folk art of multinational Russia to the audience of many countries from Europe to Latin America. We are proud that we were able to collect on our creative platform the peoples of Russia and foreign countries. Our festivals are always a celebration of folklore, friendship, and unity. The International Award in the field of performing arts “Folk-Star” (hereinafter referred to as the Award) was established with the aim of popularizing traditional folk culture and preserving Russia's multinational cultural heritage. The main objectives of the Award: - Acquaintance with the cultural heritage of the peoples around the world - Development of public diplomacy by establishing cultural ties between peoples of different countries - Identification and promotion of the best folk performers - Improving the professional skills of team leaders and teachers - Development of friendship, mutual understanding, and cultural cooperation between the creative teams of the Russian Federation and foreign countries. - Education of the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism and the formation of mutual respect for the cultural traditions and customs of other ethnic groups. Award nominations: Choreography - folk dance, stylized folk dance, classical dance, modern dance, pop dance, ballroom dance, dance show (ensembles and soloists) Vocals - authentic, folk, folk in modern processing in any genre: classical academic singing, pop singing, jazz, etc. (choirs, vocal ensembles, individual performers) Instrumental creativity (folk orchestras and ensembles of folk instruments, individual folk music performers) Theatrical creativity (miniature, excerpt from the play, theatrical performances and ceremonies, national epic, etude) Fashion theaters (fashion theaters, fashion schools and studios, costume studios, creative houses and other creative associations demonstrating clothing models of all styles and trends, united by a common artistic concept, made by the participants themselves and / or professional fashion designers). Presentation of ethnographic, stage and historical costumes is encouraged. Age categories: Junior: 7-10 y.o. Medium: 11-14 y.o. Senior: 15-17 y.o. Youth: 18-30 y.o. Adult: 31 and older In each age group, participation of performers of a different age is allowed, but not more than 30% of the total number of a group. Award nominees: Winners of the Grand Prix and laureates of the 1st degree of international festivals and competitions of any kind held in 2019-2020, as well as holders of the Foundation's Certificates become the Award nominees. The age of the nominees is 7 years and older without any restrictions. Grand jury: To identify the winners of the Award, the Grand Jury consisting of a Professional Jury and an Honorary jury is created. It is composed by cultural and art workers, famous artists, directors, teachers, representatives of creative, public and government organizations of Russia and foreign countries. The Professional Jury determines the winners of the Super final by assigning appropriate points for each performance of the nominees. The performances of the nominees are evaluated on a 10-point system. The Honorary Jury together with the Professional Jury selects the absolute winners of the Award by voting. The list of Professional Jury members is not disclosed prior to the start of the competition. The Chairman of the Professional Jury is also the Chairman of the Grand Jury and is intitled to 2 votes in the event of a dispute. The Grand Jury does not take into account the age, material standing, social class, nationality and place of residence of the contestants - only creativity on absolutely equal terms in accordance with this regulation. The Professional Jury may decide to cancel the competition for one of the nominations or combine the age categories specified in this regulation, due to the insufficient number of applications filed. The Grand Jury's decision is final and non-negotiable. Evaluation criteria: Technique Artistic impression (image, disclosure of the content, emotions, artistry) Presentation (costume, props, stage direction, selection of repertoire, stage design) Difficulty of the performance and matching the repertoire with age Round I: Super final Both amateur and professional children, youth, adult creative teams, small formations and soloists - Grand Prix winners and 1st degree laureates of international festivals and competitions held in 2019-2020 as well as holders of the Foundation's registered Certificates are invited to participate in the Super final. The Super final is held on-line in St. Petersburg up to December 6, 2020. The Awarding Ceremony will be held on December 6, 2020 in St. Petersburg online and offline. The competition program of the Super final includes the performance of 1 (one) work up to 5 minutes, except for the nominations Vocal (choral and vocal groups), “Theatrical creativity”, “Fashion theaters”. In the nomination “Vocal” choral groups and vocal ensembles present 2 songs of different characters up to 10 minutes total, one of which should be performed “a-capella”. It is not allowed to use of a phonogram minus with prerecored back-vocals. It is strictly forbidden to use the phonogram of karaoke. In the nomination "Theatrical creativity", participants submit 1 work (miniature, excerpt from the play, theatrical performances, ceremonies, national epic, etude, solo performance) up to 10 minutes. Competition work must have a compositionally finished character! In the nomination "Fashion Theaters", participants submit 1 work up to 8 minutes. In the nomination "Theatrical Creativity" and "Fashion Theaters" nominees are not divided by age category. All participants must have one more (extra) work in their repertoire, in case they are selected for Round II: The Raffle Award. At the request of the Professional Jury, participants (except nominations Vocals, Theatrical creativity, Fashion Theatres) who have been admitted to the Round II must provide a link to their 2nd video-performance. All participants of the Award pay the registration fee except Foundation Certificate holders. Round II: Raffle Award Raffle Award and Awarding Ceremony will take place live on December 6, 2020 in St. Peyersburg. Some of the nominees will perform live on stage. The Awarding Ceremony will be broadcast live on YouTube. Only Grand Prix winners are to be admitted in Raffle Award. To participate in the Raffle Award nominees perform 1 (one) work (different from the work of the Round I) up to 5 minutes. For the nominations Theatrical Creativity, Fashion Theatres it is possible to re-submit the work of the Round I. For the nomination Vocals it is possible to re-submit one of the work of the Round I. Awarding: During Round I in each nomination and age category, the titles of laureates of I, II, III degrees and diploma winners are assigned. In each nomination the laureate of the first degree (1 children up to 18 and 1 adult over 18), who won the most votes of Professional Jury, are awarded the Grand Prix. The Grand Prix winners are admitted to the Round II. Laureates and diploma holders are awarded with diplomas. The number of laureates and diploma winners is not limited, since there is a qualification system for evaluating contestants, and not their comparison with each other. Team leaders and educators receive formal Letters of Appreciation. During Round II 7 (seven) Grand Prix Laureates, who won the most votes of Grand Jury, become the winners of the “Folk-Star” Award in the following nominations: 1) Vocals (soloists, duets, trios) 2) Vocals (choirs and vocal ensembles) 3) Choreography 4) Instrumental creativity 5) Theatrical creativity 6) Artistic word 7) Fashion theaters Each winner of the Award is awarded a Certificate and a Trophy. At the discretion of the jury, the finalists of the Award have the opportunity to be invited to participate in cultural events in Moscow and St. Petersburg as well receive Certificates for participation in Russian and foreign festivals on a preferential basis. Each partner of the Award has the right to establish its own Special Prize for nominees. The jury reserves the right not to award prizes and change the number of prizes. Diplomas will be sent by e-mail within 7 days after the end of the Award. Trophy «Folk-Star-2020» will be sent to the winner at the expense of the Organizing Committee. Video requirements: Both amateur and professional videos can participate. The shooting might be carried out on stage or home premises, as well as video from another competition or concert is allowed. Videos must be recorded without editing and any effects. The participant must be in stage clothes. The faces, hands, feet of all participants in the video should be clearly visible. Sound reproduction should be high-quality, all the nuances of the performance should be clearly audible. By sending a link to the video, the participant automatically confirms his/her consent to the use of the material by third parties (organizers, jury members, other participants of the competition), as well as to post the video on the organizer’s website. The participant is responsible for complying with copyright laws and correctness of the materials provided. Filing an application means acceptance of this Regulation. The video file name must be made in the following form: City - Team - Number name. For example: Tula - Varvaryata - Russian dance. Program and procedure: To 30.11. Accepting applications to e-mail Artists should attach a link to their video-performances on You Tube 5.12. Round I. Superfinal (online). Assessment of video-performances by the Professional Jury. Announcement of Award nominees by e-mail. 6.12. Round II. «Folk-Star» Raffle Award (live) Gala-concert of the Award nominees (online). Identification of the “Folk-Star” Award Winners. Award Ceremony live on You Tube. Financial conditions: Participants pay donation (target participation fee): Soloists – 15 euro Duets, trios - 25 euro Groups (more than 4 people) - 65 euro per group Included: International diploma without the word “online” certified by a seal and signature of the Organizing Committee and Jury Personalized review of the performance by the jury member A letter of thanks to the teacher or group leader, if needed Festival organizational fee Preparation of video materials for the Jury Media coverage of the event Note: All diplomas are sent via e-mail in pdf file within 1 week after the end of the Award How to pay: Donation (target participation fee) is paid within 3 banking days after the confirmation of the application. If the invoice is not paid within this period, the application shall be considered canceled. In case of donation (target participation fee) is paid by the organization (legal entity) please provide the bank details of the organization (legal entity). In case of refusal to participate in the Award, donation (the target fee) is not refundable. Any group willing to participate must submit an Application form.